人类对肝炎直到公元1963年才有突破性认识。Baruch Blumberg医生首次发现一种抗原可用于检测人类血液样品中之乙肝病毒(HBV)。
当时,Baruch Blumberg医生正着力于研究疾病易感性之遗传因素,而肝炎并非其研究重点,然而该发现却为人类对该疾病之认知带来重大突破。
Baruch Blumberg医生于上世纪50年代开始研究不同遗传类别人群对于同类疾病易感性之差异。其研究团队走遍世界各地,于各偏远地区探访不同原生种群,收集血液样本进行分析,旨为探寻差异遗传与特定疾病之关联。
两年之公元1967年,Blumberg医生及其同事Iriving Millman医生研究出第一支乙肝预防疫苗。
基于Baruch Blumberg医生之卓越工作而为人类带来对乙肝病毒之认知防治之进步,其于公元1976年获颁诺贝尔医学奖。Blumberg医生于公元2011年4月5日辞世,享年85岁。
“The Hunt for a Killer Virus:
Hepatitis B”, Baruch S. Blumberg,
Princeton University Press, 2002
NOhep is a global, grassroots movement aimed at bringing all stakeholders together to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030. It has been developed to create global awareness of the disease, similar to the red ribbon for HIV/AIDS, and was launched in 2016. NOhep firmly positions itself at the forefront of the elimination conversation, showcasing exemplary leadership, fostering on-the-ground innovative solutions and taking action to support the policy changes needed to eliminate this cancer-causing illness by 2030. Being a part of NOhep means being part of the solution. (To find out more about the development of this exciting initiative, watch this short video: https://youtu.be/Oer-rGwnKZU )
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