慢性丙肝系由丙肝病毒所致,该病毒亦造成肝脏严重损坏。丙肝病毒感染肝细胞引发肝脏炎症,并导致其它长期并发症。9 丙肝病毒感染于全球范围内极常见,据估计世界约3%人口感染丙肝病毒。
诊断丙肝需特定血液检测,一般不包括于常规体检项目中。筛检通常检测丙肝抗体,若经发现则需血液复检以确定病毒是否已被清除或已发展为慢性感染。 急性丙肝患者因无症状则通常不予治疗。慢性丙肝患者主要应用抗病毒药物进行治疗。因目前尚无丙肝疫苗,固预防丙肝最好途径为切断其传播途径,特别系杜绝共享药物注射设备。
NOhep is a global, grassroots movement aimed at bringing all stakeholders together to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030. It has been developed to create global awareness of the disease, similar to the red ribbon for HIV/AIDS, and was launched in 2016. NOhep firmly positions itself at the forefront of the elimination conversation, showcasing exemplary leadership, fostering on-the-ground innovative solutions and taking action to support the policy changes needed to eliminate this cancer-causing illness by 2030. Being a part of NOhep means being part of the solution. (To find out more about the development of this exciting initiative, watch this short video: https://youtu.be/Oer-rGwnKZU )
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