Fast facts about Hepatitis B
and Hepatitis C
- Globally, 2 billion people have been
infected with hepatitis B virus, with an
estimated 600,000 dying each year due to
its acute or chronic consequences
- Of those who are infected, more than 350
million have chronic (lifelong) infection and
75% live in Asia
- Liver cancer caused by hepatitis B is among
the first three causes of cancer deaths in
men, and a major cause of cancer in women
- Hepatitis B is endemic in China and other
parts of Asia. Most people in the region
become infected with HBV during
childhood and in many areas in the region,
8% to 10% of the adult population are
chronically infected
- Hepatitis B is preventable with a safe and
effective vaccine, the first vaccine against a
major human cancer. The vaccine against
hepatitis B has been available since 1982.
- The hepatitis B vaccine is 95% effective in
preventing HBV infection and its chronic
consequences but is ineffective for those
who are already infected
- If infected during childhood, 90% of infants
and 30% of children will develop chronic
- Hepatitis B often goes undetected as
people often feel well even though liver
damage is occurring. Late diagnosis of
chronic hepatitis B with existing liver cancer
is not uncommon.
- People with chronic hepatitis B should seek
regular monitoring. Treatment is
recommended only at particular stages of
the disease, to reduce the level of virus in
the blood and the consequent risk of
progression to liver disease
- If left untreated, about 25% of adults who
are chronically infected from childhood will
develop liver cancer or cirrhosis (scarring of
the liver) caused by the chronic infection
- The hepatitis B virus is 50 to 100 times more
infectious than HIV
- Hepatitis B virus is a significant occupational
hazard for health workers.
- Around 3–4 million people worldwide
become infected with hepatitis C each year,
with more than 350 000 dying from
HCV-related liver diseases. Around 2 million
of these infections each year are
attributable to unsafe injection practices
- Some 130–170 million people are
chronically infected with HCV and at risk of
developing liver cirrhosis and/or liver
- Statistics show that 60–70% of
chronically-infected persons develop
chronic liver disease: 5-20% develop
cirrhosis, and 1–5% die from cirrhosis or
liver cancer
- The virus is most commonly transmitted
through exposure to infectious blood such
as through: receipt of contaminated blood
transfusions, blood products, and organ
transplants; injections given with
contaminated syringes, needle-stick injuries
in health-care settings; injection drug use;
being born to an HCV-infected mother. It is
less commonly transmitted through sex
with an infected person and sharing of
personal items contaminated with
infectious blood.
- The first stage of acute infection is often
very mild, and may go unnoticed. As
symptoms are often slow to develop, many
people are not diagnosed until years, or
even decades after their initial exposure to
the hepatitis C virus
- There is no vaccine for hepatitis C but
approximately 80% of Asian patients who
are able to complete recommended
treatment, are cured
- The number of people with chronic
hepatitis C and more advanced liver disease
or cirrhosis, is projected to increase by 38%
between 2006 and 2015 unless the number
of people being treated increases